1949年(昭和24年) 11月29日 

A 出席者   公衆衛生福祉部福祉課長ネルソン・ピー・ネフ氏(アーヴィン・エイチ・マーカソン氏、トーマス・エル・  メッカー氏同席)、葛西厚生事務次官、木村社会局長、小島児童局長(畠中庶務、小山保護、黒木厚生、熊崎  物資の各課長同席)   B 会議の目的   会議の目的は、福祉計画の主要目標を詳細に亙って之を充分に検討することにより、厚生行政及び機構の完  成を目指す昭和25年度の総司令部及厚生省の労力に関して予定をたてるにある。   C 提 案   総司令部厚生課長は達成すべき厚生主要目標及びその期日として次の如く略述している。  1.厚生行政地区制度   (イ) 厚生省はおそくとも昭和26年4月1日までに、その完全なる実施を終了すべき厚生行政地区の統一的制    度の確立に備えて、次の如き措置を遂行する詳細な計画を直ちにたてなければならない。    (1) 国の厚生事務が能率的経済的に行われ得る最も効果的な地区制度を決定するため、全国的研究に着手     すること。完成の目標期日は昭和25年4月1日。    (2) 専任有給吏貞の任用を含む厚生行政の最も効果的な単位を例示する目的をもって、町村をして自発的     に厚生関係事務を統合せしめること。    (3) 25世帯以上の生活保護法該当者を担当する町村の如何なる事務所においても専任有給吏員の任用を勧     奨すること。    (4) 生活扶助の申請はすべて厚生係官、即ち市町村長に提出することを要するようにせしめること。    (5) 申請却下を含むすべての措置は、厚生省に提出すべき基本的統計報告の中に書き入れる見込で町村民     生課に於てその記録を充分盤備して置く。    (6) 基本的厚生計画の実施に関して町村等に対して援助を与えるため、県による監督との間の便宜を設け     るようにすること。    (7) 前条第6項の実施に関しては、知事の責任を明確にすること。    (8) 国が、県及び市町村に対して公的扶助事務費補助金を交付する何等かの手段を工夫すること。    (9) 生活保護、児童福祉、その他地区福祉事務所が責任をもつべき厚生事務と関係をもつ如何なる公的の     責任を民生委員の職務より究極的には除去するようにせしめること    (10) 地区福祉事務所を現在の県地方事務所より明確に分離せしめること。   (ロ) 地区民事部は上記諸事項における措置に関して、その協力を要請せられるとともに県及び市町村に積極    的に働きかけ、市町村を含む厚生行政の改善せしめられた方法及び区域に関する「デモンストレイショ    ン」を少くとも1ブロック地区につき1ケ所は実現せしめること。  2.市厚生行政の再組織   (イ) 厚生省は総ての市によって行われる厚生事務行政の再組織に関する下記の如き措置をおそくも昭和26年    4月1日までに実現すべき詳細なるプランを直ちにたてなければならない。    (1) 市民生部が国の行う厚生計画の実施に対し責任をもつことができる統一的な基準と手続を確立するこ     と。    (2) 市厚生行政に関し責任をもつ監督庁として県を指定すると共に、監督を実施する県の権限を明確に定     義すること。    (3) 市民生部が責任をもつべき事務に必要なる調査及びケースワークは総て規定せられた人事基準により     選択し、これを任命しなければならない。    (4) 法により民生部の責任とされている生活保護、児童福祉その他に関する公の責任より民生委員を除去     するようにせしめること。    (5) 市の所管地域内における厚生行政に対して助言者としての役割を担当するものとして市厚生協議会を     設置せしめること。    (6) 行政の健全なる原則及び地方自治法の主旨にそうため厚生事務行政においても市に対して「地方自     治」を阻害しないよう、その範囲を充分考慮すること。    (7) 国がこれらの厚生計画の実施に必要なる事務費に対し、国庫補助会を交付する手段を工夫しなければ     ならない。   (ロ) 厚生省は上記第2節(イ)の事項を遂行するに心要なる現行の諸法律の改正即ち生活保護法、児童福祉    法、地方自治法、民生委員法の改正を準備しなければならない。   (ハ) 厚生省は副知事及び市長に対し、第2節(イ)に示したプランの詳細を通告し且つ更に市当局において昭    和26年4月1日までに再組織の実現を目指して指導し得るが如き予定表を添えること。    (1) 各県は直ちに、厚生行政の改革が県内におけるその他の市において一般的に採用せられる以前にテス     トせられ、且つ模範として例示せしめられるようなコントロール或いはモデルセンターとして使用され     るべき「デモンストレイション」市を直ちに確定しなければならない。    (2) 各ブロック地区は、「デモンストレイション」実施期間中ブロック地区及び県並びに市民生部に対す     る助言機関として、県及び市の厚生吏員よりなる委員会を設置し、市厚生行政の再組織を実現化しなけ     ればならない。   (ニ) 地区民事部は、市厚生行政の再組織に関する厚生省プランに助言するとともに、「デモンストレイショ    ン」の実施期間中、更に再組織の最後的実現を期して県及び市民生部に対し、あらゆる援助を与えるよう    せしめられるであろう。この点に閲し、地区民事部は次の事をなすよう示唆せられるであろう。    (1) 地区民事部は、その部員が「デモンストレイション」期間中その努力を重点的に集中すべく、一つの     市民生部を「コントロール或はモデルセンター」として選定するものとする。  3.厚生省により行われる助言的措置及び実地事務   (イ) 実地事務の全国的制度を確立すべく、その前奏曲として厚生省は少くとも現在の地区民事部担当のブロ    ックにつき1名の建前で直ちに実地事務指導官を任命するものとする。   (ロ) 厚生省実地指導係官は、各ブロック地区において、上級官庁たる厚生省の代表者として責任をもって事    に当り、主として上記第1、2節において既述せる厚生省プランに関連する連絡的職務に従事するものと    する。  4.厚生省は、全国的規模をもつ民間の社会事業団体の組織、管理並びに監督についての政府の関与に関する   現行の規則及び指令を検討し、おそくとも昭和25年8月1日までに国、県、市町村において民間社会事業団   体に対する如何なる公の関与からも、政府をして完全に分離せしめるような効果的措置をとらねばならな   い。  5.厚生省は全国的及び県の社会事業団体及び施設により自発的に行われる社会福祉活動に関する協議会を設   置し、これが運営指導を行うため全国的プランを作成するに当って、その参加が必要且つ望ましいと認めら   れる関係の全国的民間社会事業団体を招致しなければならない。このプランはおそくとも昭和25年8月1日   までに完成し、中央のみならず地方にこれを発表すべく準備しなければならない。  6.厚生省は昭和25年2月1日までに中央、県、地方事務所及び市町村の有給厚生吏員に対し職場訓練を行う   為の全国的プランを作成すると共にこれが実現化に努めなければならない。   (イ) 厚生省のプランに関して県は次の事を行わなければならない。    (1) 現任訓練課を設置すること。    (2) 現任訓練に関する県のプランの実現化を担当する専任吏員を最少限度1名を任命すること。    (3) 厚生省の規準にもとづき現任教育に関する県のプランを作成すること。   (ロ) 地区民事部は現任訓練に関する厚生省の全国的プランについて助言を与えると共に、県がその地方的プ    ランを立て、これを実施するに当って地区民事部は次の事をなさなければならない。    (1) 現任訓練計画を立てるにさいし、県に対し助言者としての役割を果す為に現任訓練地区民事部委員を     設定すること。    (2) 一つの県を設定し現任教育訓練の「デモンストレイション」を実現するためその注意と助力を集中す     ること。   D 検 討  1.厚生省により挙げられた主な疑問は厚生省が以上の如く既述せられた目標を総司令部側の決定的な態度を   示すものとして受けとるべきものであるか、或はこれらの目標、特に厚生行政地区制度の確立は唯単に示唆   的なものであり、且つ更に厚生省関係官と共に之を検討し、研究を行うことにより修正せらるべきものであ   るかという点であった。之に対して該目標は福祉計画の実現を見た暁、その形態が如何にあるべきかに多大   の関心を持つアメリカ側関係者の長期に亙る研究の結果と意見の一致せるところに基くところの総司令部の   決定的態度を表明するものとしてその回答が与えられたのであった。且又更に論議を重ねることは唯徒らに   厚生省の為すべき重要なる企画の立案と迅速なる措置をおくらすのに役立つだけであることが指摘せられ   た。但し現在の地方町村の枠内に於て改革の実現し得ると信ぜらる如き詳細なプランを近日中に提出したい   との厚生省の要望に付いては何等の反対の意向も示されなかった。  2.厚生省が福祉目標に関する要綱を含む総司令部公衆衛生福祉部発日本政府宛覚書を望むかの質問が総司令   部厚生課長より発せられたが、それに対し厚生次官はきっばり否定的に解答したのであった。更に総司令部   及び厚生省共にその全力を尽して努力すべき相互協力の事業を行うと云う精神に於て目標の達成を実現する   という点に付ては全出席者の賛成を得たのであった。厚生省は厚生省実地指導係官並びに県及び市町村厚生   当局に対して特に計画の「デモンストレイション」の段階における期間中は地区民事部より出来得る限りの   助力と指導を与えられる旨確約せられたのであった。   E 結 論  1.厚生省は直ちに上記主要目標の各々に付きその秩序整然たる実現に心要なる仕事を開始しなければならな   い。  2.木村社会局長、畠中庶務課長、小山保護課長は厚生次官の指令により、目標の詳細な点を具体化するのに   必要な企画と人事に関する厚生省の責任者と指名せられた。又厚生次官は総司令部、厚生省間の事務の調整   を行う責任者とせられた。メッカー氏は該計画に関する総司令部の努力の調整を行う責任者としてネフ厚生   課長より指名せられた。  3.緊密な連絡が計画の立案中並びに目標達成期間を通じ保持せられなければならない。    目標として前述した大項目は総司令部及び厚生省に於て最高の優先性を与えなければならないし、且つそ   の実現に向って来るべき年は断じてその努力を惜しんではならないものである。
  Minutes, Conference with Welfare Ministry Regarding Major Welfare Objectives 1950-51,
  Held 29 November 1949, Public Health and Welfare Section, GHQ, SCAP.

A. Present
  Representatives of Welfare Ministry:
   Mr. Yoshisuke Kasai, Vice-Minister of Welfare.
   Mr. Chujiro Kimura, Chief, Social Affairs bureau.
   Mr. Norio Kojima, Chief, Children's Bureau.
   Mr. Junichi Hatakenaka, Chief, General Affairs Section.
   Mr. Toshikatsu Kuroki, Chief, Rehabilitation Section & Improvement Section.
   Mr. Yuichi Saito, Liaison Section, Minister's Secretariate.
  Representatives of Public Health and Welfare Section SCAP:
   Mr. Nelson B. Neff, Chief, Welfare Division.
   Mr. Irvin H. Markuson, Dept, Chit, Welfare Division.
   Mr. Thomas L. Metzker, Chief, Administration and Organization Branch.

B. Purpose of Conference:
  The purpose of the conference was to set forth and discuss in detail a calendar of major objectives by which SCAP and the Welfare Ministry will schedule their efforts in the further perfection of welfare organization and administration during the period 1950-51.

C. Presentation:
  The Chief of the Welfare Division outline of major welfare objectives and the dates by which they will be accomplished:
1. District system of welfare administration.
 a. The Ministry of Welfare will immediately develop detailed plans for accomplishing the following steps, preparatory to the establishment of a uniform system of district welfare administration, the full effectuation of which is to be accomplished by not later than 1 April 1950.
  (1) Undertake a national study to determine the most effective district system by which national welfare services can be efficiently and economically administered. Target date for completion 1 August 1950.
  (2) Invite towns and villages to voluntarily combine welfare functions for purpose of demonstrating a more effective unit of administration, including use of fun time paid staff.
  (3) Encourage the use of full-time paid personnel in any unit of local government having a Daily Life Security Case Load in excess of 25 cases.
  (4) Require that all applications for Daily Life Security Assistance be filed with the public welfare official/local major.
  (5) Require that all actions upon applications, including rejections, be made a matter of record in the local welfare office for incorporation in basic statistical reports to Welfare Ministry.
  (6) Assignment of supervisory and consultant services by prefecture for assistance to local units in the administration of the basic programs.
  (7) Clarification of Governor's responsibility for developing services paragraph (6) above.
  (8) Devise means by which the National Government will subsidize the costs of public assistance administration at prefectural and local levels of government.
  (9) Provide for the ultimate elimination of the Minsei-iin from any official responsibility in connection with the Daily Life Security and Child Welfare programs and any other welfare programs for which the district welfare offices may be responsible.
  (10) Provide a clear separation of the district welfare office from the present prefectural district administrative office.
 b. Regional Civil Affairs Teams will be advised of steps contemplated in paragraph 1-a above and asked to participate in and to encourage the prefectural and local units of government in undertaking demonstrations in improve methods and organization of welfare administration involving local units of government (towns and villages) in at least one control center in each Region.

2. Reorganization of City Welfare Administration.
 a. The Ministry of Welfare will immediately develop detailed plans by which the following steps with respect to the reorganization of the administration of welfare services by all city governments will be realized by not later than 1 April 1951:
  (1) Development of uniform standards and procedures by which city welfare departments will be responsible for the administration of the national welfare programs.
  (2) Designation of the prefecture as the responsible supervisory agency over city welfare administration and clear delineation of prefectural authority to exercise and enforce supervisory controls.
  (3) Require that all investigation and case work service in connection with programs for which the city department are responsible be performed by city welfare employees selected and appointed in accordance with approved personnel standards.
  (4) Provide for the elimination of the Minsei-iin from any official responsibility in connection with the Daily Life Security and Child Welfare programs and any other programs for which the city departments of welfare save responsibility under Law.
  (5) Provide for establishment of city welfare councils to serve in and advisory relationship to the administration of welfare within city areas.
  (6) Provide degree of "local autonomy" to the cities in the administration of welfare service consistent with sound principles of administration and the intent of the Local Autonomy Law.
  (7) Devise means by which the National Government will subsidize the expenses of administration in connection with those programs in which services are subsidized.
 b. The Ministry is asked to prepare such amendments to existing legislation as in necessary to carry out the provisions of paragraph 2-a above, including amendments to the Daily Life Security Law, The child Welfare Law, the Local Autonomy Law, and the Welfare Commissioner's Law.
 c. The Ministry is asked to notify the Governors and Mayors of the details of its plans developed under paragraph 2-a and b above to develop a time schedule by which the cities can be guided in effectuating reorganization as required by 1 April 1951.
 In this connection the following suggestion is offered:
  (1) Each prefecture be asked to immediately establish a "demonstration" city to be used as control or model center in which innovations in welfare administration can be tested and demonstrated before general adoption in other cities within the prefecture.
  (2) Each Region be asked to establish a Committee of prefectural and city welfare officials to act as an advisory body to the Region, and prefectural and city welfare departments during the demonstration interval and the final effectuation of city wetfare reorganization.
 d. Civil Affairs Regions will be advised of Ministry plans in connection with the reorganization of city welfare administration and will be asked to give every possible aid and assistance to both the prefectures and city departments during the interval of demonstration and the final effectuation of reorganization. In this connection it will be suggested to the Civil Affairs Regions that:
  (1) The Region select one city welfare department as a control or model center to which Civil Affairs staff might center their primary efforts during the demonstration interval.

3. Ministry Consultant and Field Services.
 a. As a prelude to a national system of field services the Ministry will immediately assign general field representatives of the basis of at least one representative to each of the present civil Affairs Regions.
 b. The field representatives will be responsible for acting as the senior Ministry representative in each region and will be primarily concerned with liaison duties in connection with Ministry plans outlined in paragraph 1 and 2 above.

4. The Ministry will be asked to review its present regulations and directives with respect to government participation in the organization, management and direction of private national welfare agencies and will take effective steps to enforce the final separation of government from any official participation in such agencies at national, prefectural and local levels of government by not later than 1 August 1950.

5. The Ministry will be asked to invite such interested National Welfare Agencies as it deems desirable and necessary to participate in the drawing up of a national plan for the organization and promotion of coordinating councils on social welfare activities for voluntary compliance by interested national and prefectural welfare agencies and institutions, such plan to be completed and ready for national and local release by not later than 1 August 1950.

6. The Ministry will be asked to have drawn up and ready for implementation by not later than 1 February 1950, a national plan for on-the-job training for paid welfare employees at national, prefectural, city. district and local levels of government.
 a. In connection with the Ministry plan, the prefectures will be asked:
  (1) To establish a Division on In-service Training.
  (2) To appoint a minimum of one full time person in charge of implementing a prefectural plan of in-service training.
  (3) To draw up a prefectural plan in service training based on Ministry standards.
 b. Region Civil Affairs Teams will be advised of the Ministry's national plan for in-service training, And will be asked to be of every possible aid and assistance to the prefectures in developing and implementing their local plans. In this connection the Regions will be asked to:
  (1) Establish a Regional Committee on In-service Training to serve in an advisory relationship to the prefectures in the development of their in-service training Programs.
  (2) Select one prefecture in which to center its attention and aid in the development of an in-service training demonstration.

D. Discussion
1. The principal question raised by the Ministry was whether the Ministry was to accept the objectives as outlined as a firm statement opposition on the part of SCAP, or whether the objectives, particularly the establishment of a district system of welfare administration, were suggestive only and subject to amendment upon further discussion and study with Ministry officials. The answer given that the objectives represented and firm position of SCAP based on long study and consensus of all American personnel interested in the final phases of welfare implementation. It was pointed out that further discussion would only needlessly delay the important initial planning and early action required of the Ministry. However, no objection was raised to the desire of the Ministry to shortly present a detailed plan by which it believed necessary reforms could be brought about with in the present frame work of local town and village administration.

2. The question as to whether the Welfare Ministry wished to have a PHMJG covering the outline of objectives was raised by the Chief of the Welfare Division and was firmly answered in the negative by the Vice-Minister. It was agreed that the Ministry would undertake the accomplishment of the objectives in the spirit of a mutual undertaking to which both the Ministry and SCAP would direct their fullest energies and resources. The Ministry was assure of the utmost in assistance and guidance to the Ministry field representatives and to the prefectural and local welfare authorities from the Civil Affairs Regions, particularly during the demonstration phases of the prosrams.

E. Concfusion.
 1. The Ministry will immediately begin the work necessary for the orderly realization of each of the primary objectives outlined.
 2. Mr. Kimura, Mr. Hatakeyama and Mr. Koyama were designated by the Vice-Minister as the persons in the Ministry whom he would hold responsible for the planning and staff work necessary to effectuating the detailed of the objectives, with the latter as the person responsible for coordinating the work of Ministry with SCAP. Mr. Mezker was designated by the Chief, of the Welfare Division as the person responsible for coordinating SCAP's efforts in connection with the programs.
 3. Close liaison will be maintained between SCAP and the Ministry throughout the course of planning and execution of the objectives. The 6 point program outlined in objectives will be given top priority by the Ministry and the SCAP add no effort will be spared during the coming year in its realization.

《「社会福祉関係施策資料集1」(1986.7.27 社会福祉法人全国社会福祉協議会発行)から引用》 



Public Health and Welfare Section

                       29 November 1949


SUBJECT: Conference with Ministry Officials Regarding
     Major Welfare Objectives for 1950-51

  1. Reference is made to M/R dtd 22 Nov 49, subj: Major Welfare Objectives 1950-51, outlining a calendar of major objectives by which the Welfare Ministry would be asked to schedule its efforts in effectuating the further implementation of the national welfare program in Japan.

  2. Subject conference above date was for the purpose of outlining to the Welfare Ministry objectives covered in reference M/R, papa 1 above. Present at conference were Mr. Kasai, Vice Minister, Mr. Kimura, Chief Social Affairs Bureau, Mr. Kojima, Chief Children's Bureau, Mr. Koyama, section Chief, Mr. Hatakenaka, Section Chief, Mr. Kuroki, Section Chief, Mr. Saito, Mr. Neff, Mr. Markuson and Mr. Matsker.

  3. Objectives outlined are summarized as follows: (Details of the implementation of the objectives as discussed with the Ministry are included in the attached Minutes of the Meeting.)

    a. Ministry Will immediately develope detailed plans for the establishment of a universal system of District Welfare Administration, the full realization of which is to be accomplished by not later than 1 April 1950.

    b. Ministry will immediately develope detailed plans by which the reorganization of the administration of welfare services by all city governments Will be accomplished by not later than 1 April 1951.

    c. As an initiation of a national system of field services, the Ministry will immediately assign general field representatives on the basis of at least one representative to each of the areas presently contained in Civil Affairs Regions.

    d. The Ministry will review present regulations and directives with respect to government Participation in the organization, management and direction of private national welfare agencies and will take effective steps to enforce the final separation of government from any official participation in the internal business and management of such agencies at national, prefectural and local levels of government by not later than 1 August 1950.

    e. The Ministry will invite such interested national welfare agencies as it deems desirable and necessary to participate in the formalization of a national plan for the opganization and promotion of coordinating councils on social welfare activities for voluntary compliance by interested national, prefectural and local welfare agencies and institutions, such plan to be completed and ready for national and local release by not later than 1 August 1950.

    f. The Ministry will draw up and have ready for implementation by not later than 1 February 1950, a national plan for on-the-job training for paid welfare employees at national, prefectural, city, district and local levels of government.

  4. While the Vice Minister and others of the Ministry officials had many questions to ask in the course of the discussion, there was general acceptance in the end that the objectives were realistic and in the best interests of the welfare program as a whole. Mr. Kasai indicated that the Ministry did not wish a PHMJG covering the objectives but desired to undertake their accomplishment as a mutual project between the Ministry and SCAP. Mr. Kasai asked for and was promised the fullest assistance in the way of council and advice in undertaking the details of the several objectives. Mr. Kimura, Mr. Hatakenaka and Mr. Koyama were designated by Mr. Kasai as the persons in the Ministry whom he would hold responsible for the planning and staff work necessary in effectuating the details of the objectives, with the latter as the person responsible for coordinating the work within the Ministry.

  5. Details of the objectives, summarized in para 3 above, discussed with the Ministry are included in attachment, Minutes of Meeting. A copy of the Minutes has been handed the Ministry for its further study and information.

Chief, Rehabilitation
& Organization Branch

《「占領期における社会福祉資料に関する研究報告書」(1978.12.30 財団法人社会福祉研究所発行)から引用》

 1999.3.20 登載
社会福祉行政に関する6項目 C49 
 このホームページは個人が開設しております。 開設者自己紹介